MAD AS HELL – the story of a white-collar, professional man on police bail for possibly the longest period in recent history. Arrested on information never shared, subject to an inept police investigation that violated its own Codes of Practice, it is a story of a type of madness in modern-day Britain.
A work of non-fiction, Mad As Hell charts the author’s three-year journey through the criminal justice system from the day of arrest to the month of the dropping of the case ‘urgently’ (their word) by the police and Crown Prosecution Service 13 days before a Crown Court trial. Arrested on suspicion of downloading indecent images, the author describes the madness of two and a half years on bail, police inefficiencies and all in the context of his long-standing belief that his arrest was the work of a malicious former housemate – something he sets out to prove to a jury.
Split into two parts, Part One charts the day of arrest to the author standing in the court dock two and a half years later. Part Two begins with the author standing in the dock in front of three Magistrates and describes the trial preparation up to the point the case was dropped – two weeks before a scheduled Crown Court trial.
PART ONE - ISBN 978-0-9955917-0-7
PART TWO - ISBN 978-0-9955917-1-4
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Tags: crime; law; police; false accusers; justice; guidance; self-help; true crime; autobiography; memoir.
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